Monday, February 22, 2016

sewing kit

 I've been looking at this object for ages at a local brocante and wondering what it was. It didn't have the half thimble then.  On Saturday I was looking up old sewing kits on the internet and discovered that this was standard issue to French soldiers in WWI.  You wind thread on the bobbinny bits on the end, you unscrew above the middle section  to find the awl and below the middle section for the needle case and to release the thimble.


  1. Fascinating ... and rather beautiful. Spools for thread on the top?

  2. Fascinating ... and rather beautiful. Spools for thread on the top?

  3. Fascinating ... and rather beautiful. Spools for thread on the top?

  4. Hi Margaret,
    If you look here
    you'll see one with thread on - scroll about half way down the page.
    You'll see all their other kit too - v. interesting.
